About Rev. Becky




The Creative Journal, 2nd Ed
By Lucia Capacchione

This book is excellent for explaining the value of journaling, what it is, and how to do it. What I particularly like about the book is that it offers specific exercises and topics to explore in developing yourself. For example, it encourages you to look at what you feel, what you believe, how you’ve felt at different times throughout your life, who you are, your inner selves, and much more. It moves from past to present to future and focuses on the spiritual higher self also. In the past 25 years, I’ve gone through intense periods of journaling and find it a useful tool in times of crisis or self-development. I gave this book¾plus a notebook, pens, colored markers, and art paper¾to a client for his birthday. He was in a period of depression. I believed that expressing his thoughts and feelings might help him. He’s since told me that it helped with the depression and that he uses it now for self-discovery. I have recommended this book and journaling to other clients and find it to be a valuable therapeutic tool..

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